Class Ascom


public abstract class Ascom
extends java.lang.Object
implements AscomInterface

Field Summary
protected  int AlignmentMode
protected  double Altitude
protected  double ApertureDiameter
protected  double Azimuth
protected  boolean CanFindHome
protected  boolean CanPark
protected  boolean CanSetPark
protected  boolean CanSetTracking
protected  boolean CanSlew
protected  boolean CanSlewAsync
protected  boolean CanSync
protected  boolean CanUnpark
protected  boolean Connected
protected  double Declination
protected  double DeclinationRate
protected  java.lang.String Description
protected  java.lang.String DriverInfo
protected static java.lang.String ERR_SOURCE
protected  double FocalLength
protected static java.lang.String MSG_NO_TARGET_COORDS
protected static java.lang.String MSG_NOT_CONNECTED
protected static java.lang.String MSG_NOT_IMPLEMENTED
protected static java.lang.String MSG_PROP_NOT_SET
protected static java.lang.String MSG_PROP_RANGE_ERROR
protected static java.lang.String MSG_VAL_OUTOFRANGE
protected  java.lang.String Name
protected  double RightAscension
protected  double RightAscensionRate
protected  double SiderealTime
protected  double SiteElevation
protected  double SiteLatitude
protected  double SiteLongitude
protected  boolean Slewing
protected  int SlewSettleTime
protected  double TargetDeclination
protected  double TargetRightAscension
 int teleAltAz
 int teleGermanPolar
 int telePolar
protected  boolean Tracking
protected  java.util.Date UTCDate
Constructor Summary
          Ascom constructor comment.
Method Summary
 int getAlignmentMode()
          The alignment mode of the mount.
 double getAltitude()
          Returns the Altitude (degrees, positive up) of the telescope's current alt/az coordinates Creation date: (7/20/01 3:02:41 PM)
 double getApertureDiameter()
          Returns the telescope's effective aperture diameter (metres) Creation date: (7/20/01 3:02:41 PM)
 double getAzimuth()
          Returns the azimuth (degrees, North-referenced, positive East/clockwise) of the telescope's current alt/az coordinates.
 double getDeclination()
          Returns the declination (degrees) of the telescope's current local topocentric equatorial coordinates Remarks: Reading the property will raise an error if the value is unavailable.
 double getDeclinationRate()
          Returns the declination tracking rate (arcseconds per second, default = 0.0) Remarks: The range of values supported is telescope specific.
 java.lang.String getDescription()
          Returns the long description of the telescope Remarks: This string may contain line endings and may be hundreds to thousands of characters long.
 java.lang.String getDriverInfo()
          Returns descriptive and version information about this ASCOM Telescope driver Remarks: This string may contain line endings and may be hundreds to thousands of characters long.
 double getFocalLength()
          Returns the telescope's focal length, metres Creation date: (7/20/01 3:02:41 PM)
 java.lang.String getName()
          Returns the short name of the telescope, for display purposes Creation date: (7/20/01 3:02:41 PM)
 double getRightAscension()
          Returns the right ascension (hours) of the telescope's current local topocentric equatorial coordinates Remarks: Reading the property will raise an error if the value is unavailable.
 double getRightAscensionRate()
          Returns the right ascension tracking rate offset from sidereal (seconds per sidereal second, default = 0.0) Remarks: The range of values supported is telescope specific.
 double getSiderealTime()
          Returns the local apparent sidereal time from the telescope's internal clock Remarks:Reading the property will raise an error if the value is unavailable.
 double getSiteElevation()
          Returns the elevation above mean sea level (metres) of the site at which the telescope is located Remarks: Setting this property will raise an error if the given value is outside the range -300 through +10000 metres.
 double getSiteLatitude()
          Returns the geodetic(map) latitude (degrees, positive North) of the site at which the telescope is located Remarks: Setting this property will raise an error if the given value is outside the range -90 to +90 degrees.
 double getSiteLongitude()
          Returns the longitude (degrees, positive East) of the site at which the telescope is located Remarks: Setting this property will raise an error if the given value is outside the range -180 to +180 degrees.
 int getSlewSettleTime()
          Returns the post-slew settling time (sec.).
 double getTargetDeclination()
          Returns the local topocentric declination (degrees, positive North) for the target of a slew or sync operation Remarks: Setting this property will raise an error if the given value is outside the range -90 to +90 degrees.
 double getTargetRightAscension()
          Returns the local topocentric right ascension (hours) for the target of a slew or sync operation Remarks: Setting this property will raise an error if the given value is outside the range 0 to 24 hours.
 java.util.Date getUTCDate()
          Returns the UTC date/time of the telescope's internal clock Remarks: Reading the property will raise an error if the value has never been set or is otherwise unavailable.
 boolean isCanFindHome()
          True if this telescope is capable of programmed finding its home position (setFindHome() method) Creation date: (7/20/01 3:02:41 PM)
 boolean isCanPark()
          True if this telescope is capable of programmed parking (setCanPark() method) Creation date: (7/20/01 3:02:41 PM)
 boolean isCanSetPark()
          True if this telescope is capable of programmed setting of its park position (setCanSetPark() method Creation date: (7/20/01 3:02:41 PM)
 boolean isCanSetTracking()
          True if the Telescope.Tracking property can be changed, turning telescope tracking on and off.
 boolean isCanSlew()
          True if this telescope is capable of programmed slewing (synchronous or asynchronous) Remarks: If this is true, then only the synchronous slewing methods are guaranteed to be supported.
 boolean isCanSlewAsync()
          True if this telescope is capable of programmed asynchronous slewing Remarks: This indicates the the asynchronous slewing methods are supported.
 boolean isCanSync()
          True if this telescope is capable of programmed synching Creation date: (7/20/01 3:02:41 PM)
 boolean isCanUnpark()
          True if this telescope is capable of programmed unparking (setCanUnpark() method) Remarks: If this is true, then CanPark will also be true.
 boolean isConnected()
          True if telescope connected, False otherwise
 boolean isSlewing()
          True if telescope is currently moving to new target coordinates, False at all other times.
 boolean isTracking()
          The state of the telescope's sidereal tracking drive.
 void setAlignmentMode(int newAlignmentMode)
          The alignment mode of the mount.
 void setAltitude(double newAltitude)
          Sets the Altitude (degrees, positive up) of the telescope's current alt/az coordinates Creation date: (7/20/01 3:02:41 PM)
 void setApertureDiameter(double newApertureDiameter)
          Sets the telescope's effective aperture diameter (metres) Creation date: (7/20/01 3:02:41 PM)
 void setAzimuth(double newAzimuth)
          Sets the azimuth (degrees, North-referenced, positive East/clockwise) of the telescope's Creation date: (7/20/01 3:02:41 PM)
 void setCanFindHome(boolean newCanFindHome)
          True if this telescope is capable of programmed finding its home position Creation date: (7/20/01 3:02:41 PM)
 void setCanPark(boolean newCanPark)
          True if this telescope is capable of programmed parking Creation date: (7/20/01 3:02:41 PM)
 void setCanSetPark(boolean newCanSetPark)
          True if this telescope is capable of programmed setting of its park position Creation date: (7/20/01 3:02:41 PM)
 void setCanSetTracking(boolean newCanSetTracking)
          True if the Telescope.Tracking property can be changed, turning telescope tracking on and off.
 void setCanSlew(boolean newCanSlew)
          True if this telescope is capable of programmed slewing (synchronous or asynchronous) Remarks: If this is true, then only the synchronous slewing methods are guaranteed to be supported.
 void setCanSlewAsync(boolean newCanSlewAsync)
          True if this telescope is capable of programmed asynchronous slewing Remarks: This indicates the the asynchronous slewing methods are supported.
 void setCanSync(boolean newCanSync)
          True if this telescope is capable of programmed synching Creation date: (7/20/01 3:02:41 PM)
 void setCanUnpark(boolean newCanUnpark)
          True if this telescope is capable of programmed unparking (setCanUnpark() method) Remarks: If this is true, then CanPark will also be true.
 void setConnected(boolean newConnected)
          True if telescope connected, False otherwise Remarks Set this property to True to connect to the telescope.
 void setDeclination(double newDeclination)
          Sets the declination (degrees) of the telescope's current local topocentric equatorial coordinates Remarks: Reading the property will raise an error if the value is unavailable.
 void setDeclinationRate(double newDeclinationRate)
          Sets the declination tracking rate (arcseconds per second, default = 0.0) Remarks: The range of values supported is telescope specific.
 void setDescription(java.lang.String newDescription)
          Sets the long description of the telescope Remarks: This string may contain line endings and may be hundreds to thousands of characters long.
 void setDriverInfo(java.lang.String newDriverInfo)
          Sets descriptive and version information about this ASCOM Telescope driver Remarks: This string may contain line endings and may be hundreds to thousands of characters long.
 void setFocalLength(double newFocalLength)
          Sets the telescope's focal length, metres Creation date: (7/20/01 3:02:41 PM)
 void setName(java.lang.String newName)
          Sets the short name of the telescope, for display purposes Creation date: (7/20/01 3:02:41 PM)
 void setRightAscension(double newRightAscension)
          Sets the right ascension (hours) of the telescope's current local topocentric equatorial coordinates Remarks: Reading the property will raise an error if the value is unavailable.
 void setRightAscensionRate(double newRightAscensionRate)
          Sets the right ascension tracking rate offset from sidereal (seconds per sidereal second, default = 0.0) Remarks: The range of values supported is telescope specific.
 void setSiderealTime(double newSiderealTime)
          Sets the local apparent sidereal time from the telescope's internal clock Remarks:Reading the property will raise an error if the value is unavailable.
 void setSiteElevation(double newSiteElevation)
          Sets the elevation above mean sea level (metres) of the site at which the telescope is located Remarks: Setting this property will raise an error if the given value is outside the range -300 through +10000 metres.
 void setSiteLatitude(double newSiteLatitude)
          Sets the geodetic(map) latitude (degrees, positive North) of the site at which the telescope is located Remarks: Setting this property will raise an error if the given value is outside the range -90 to +90 degrees.
 void setSiteLongitude(double newSiteLongitude)
          Sets the longitude (degrees, positive East) of the site at which the telescope is located Remarks: Setting this property will raise an error if the given value is outside the range -180 to +180 degrees.
 void setSlewing(boolean newSlewing)
          True if telescope is currently moving to new target coordinates, False at all other times.
 void setSlewSettleTime(int newSlewSettleTime)
          Sets the post-slew settling time (sec.).
 void setTargetDeclination(double newTargetDeclination)
          Sets the local topocentric declination (degrees, positive North) for the target of a slew or sync operation Remarks: Setting this property will raise an error if the given value is outside the range -90 to +90 degrees.
 void setTargetRightAscension(double newTargetRightAscension)
          Sets the local topocentric right ascension (hours) for the target of a slew or sync operation Remarks: Setting this property will raise an error if the given value is outside the range 0 to 24 hours.
 void setTracking(boolean newTracking)
          The state of the telescope's sidereal tracking drive.
 void setUTCDate(java.util.Date newUTCDate)
          Sets the UTC date/time of the telescope's internal clock Remarks: Reading the property will raise an error if the value has never been set or is otherwise unavailable.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public int teleAltAz


public int telePolar


public int teleGermanPolar


protected static final java.lang.String ERR_SOURCE


protected static final java.lang.String MSG_NOT_IMPLEMENTED


protected static final java.lang.String MSG_NOT_CONNECTED


protected static final java.lang.String MSG_PROP_NOT_SET


protected static final java.lang.String MSG_NO_TARGET_COORDS


protected static final java.lang.String MSG_VAL_OUTOFRANGE


protected static final java.lang.String MSG_PROP_RANGE_ERROR


protected int AlignmentMode


protected double Altitude


protected double ApertureDiameter


protected double Azimuth


protected boolean CanFindHome


protected boolean CanPark


protected boolean CanSetPark


protected boolean CanSetTracking


protected boolean CanSlew


protected boolean CanSlewAsync


protected boolean CanSync


protected boolean CanUnpark


protected boolean Connected


protected double Declination


protected double DeclinationRate


protected java.lang.String Description


protected java.lang.String DriverInfo


protected double FocalLength


protected java.lang.String Name


protected double RightAscension


protected double RightAscensionRate


protected double SiderealTime


protected double SiteElevation


protected double SiteLatitude


protected double SiteLongitude


protected boolean Slewing


protected int SlewSettleTime


protected double TargetDeclination


protected double TargetRightAscension


protected boolean Tracking


protected java.util.Date UTCDate
Constructor Detail


public Ascom()
Ascom constructor comment.
Method Detail


public int getAlignmentMode()
The alignment mode of the mount. The (symbolic) values for AlignmentModes are: Constant Value Description teleAltAz 0 Altitude-Azimuth mount teleGermanPolar 2 German equatorial mount telePolar 1 Polar mount other than German equatorial Remarks: German equatorial mounts are distinct because they require a flip at the meridian. Creation date: (7/20/01 3:02:41 PM)


public double getAltitude()
Returns the Altitude (degrees, positive up) of the telescope's current alt/az coordinates Creation date: (7/20/01 3:02:41 PM)


public double getApertureDiameter()
Returns the telescope's effective aperture diameter (metres) Creation date: (7/20/01 3:02:41 PM)


public double getAzimuth()
Returns the azimuth (degrees, North-referenced, positive East/clockwise) of the telescope's current alt/az coordinates. Creation date: (7/20/01 3:02:41 PM)


public double getDeclination()
                      throws java.lang.Exception
Returns the declination (degrees) of the telescope's current local topocentric equatorial coordinates Remarks: Reading the property will raise an error if the value is unavailable. Creation date: (7/20/01 3:02:41 PM)


public double getDeclinationRate()
Returns the declination tracking rate (arcseconds per second, default = 0.0) Remarks: The range of values supported is telescope specific. Creation date: (7/20/01 3:02:41 PM)


public java.lang.String getDescription()
Returns the long description of the telescope Remarks: This string may contain line endings and may be hundreds to thousands of characters long. It is intended to display detailed information on the telescope itself. See the DriverInfo property for descriptive info on the driver itself. Creation date: (7/20/01 3:02:41 PM)


public java.lang.String getDriverInfo()
Returns descriptive and version information about this ASCOM Telescope driver Remarks: This string may contain line endings and may be hundreds to thousands of characters long. It is intended to display detailed information on the ASCOM driver, including version and copyright data.. See the Description property for descriptive info on the telescope itself. Creation date: (7/20/01 3:02:41 PM)


public double getFocalLength()
Returns the telescope's focal length, metres Creation date: (7/20/01 3:02:41 PM)


public java.lang.String getName()
Returns the short name of the telescope, for display purposes Creation date: (7/20/01 3:02:41 PM)


public double getRightAscension()
                         throws java.lang.Exception
Returns the right ascension (hours) of the telescope's current local topocentric equatorial coordinates Remarks: Reading the property will raise an error if the value is unavailable. Creation date: (7/20/01 3:02:41 PM)


public double getRightAscensionRate()
Returns the right ascension tracking rate offset from sidereal (seconds per sidereal second, default = 0.0) Remarks: The range of values supported is telescope specific. Use the Tracking property to enable and disable sidereal tracking (if supported). Creation date: (7/20/01 3:02:41 PM)


public double getSiderealTime()
                       throws java.lang.Exception
Returns the local apparent sidereal time from the telescope's internal clock Remarks:Reading the property will raise an error if the value is unavailable. Creation date: (7/20/01 3:02:41 PM)


public double getSiteElevation()
                        throws java.lang.Exception
Returns the elevation above mean sea level (metres) of the site at which the telescope is located Remarks: Setting this property will raise an error if the given value is outside the range -300 through +10000 metres. Reading the property will raise an error if the value has never been set or is otherwise unavailable. Creation date: (7/20/01 3:02:41 PM)


public double getSiteLatitude()
                       throws java.lang.Exception
Returns the geodetic(map) latitude (degrees, positive North) of the site at which the telescope is located Remarks: Setting this property will raise an error if the given value is outside the range -90 to +90 degrees. Reading the property will raise an error if the value has never been set or is otherwise unavailable Creation date: (7/20/01 3:02:41 PM)


public double getSiteLongitude()
                        throws java.lang.Exception
Returns the longitude (degrees, positive East) of the site at which the telescope is located Remarks: Setting this property will raise an error if the given value is outside the range -180 to +180 degrees. Reading the property will raise an error if the value has never been set or is otherwise unavailable. Creation date: (7/20/01 3:02:41 PM)


public int getSlewSettleTime()
Returns the post-slew settling time (sec.). Creation date: (7/20/01 3:02:41 PM)


public double getTargetDeclination()
                            throws java.lang.Exception
Returns the local topocentric declination (degrees, positive North) for the target of a slew or sync operation Remarks: Setting this property will raise an error if the given value is outside the range -90 to +90 degrees. Reading the property will raise an error if the value has never been set or is otherwise unavailable. Creation date: (7/20/01 3:02:41 PM)


public double getTargetRightAscension()
                               throws java.lang.Exception
Returns the local topocentric right ascension (hours) for the target of a slew or sync operation Remarks: Setting this property will raise an error if the given value is outside the range 0 to 24 hours. Reading the property will raise an error if the value has never been set or is otherwise unavailable. Creation date: (7/20/01 3:02:41 PM)


public java.util.Date getUTCDate()
                          throws java.lang.Exception
Returns the UTC date/time of the telescope's internal clock Remarks: Reading the property will raise an error if the value has never been set or is otherwise unavailable. Creation date: (7/20/01 3:02:41 PM)


public boolean isCanFindHome()
True if this telescope is capable of programmed finding its home position (setFindHome() method) Creation date: (7/20/01 3:02:41 PM)


public boolean isCanPark()
True if this telescope is capable of programmed parking (setCanPark() method) Creation date: (7/20/01 3:02:41 PM)


public boolean isCanSetPark()
True if this telescope is capable of programmed setting of its park position (setCanSetPark() method Creation date: (7/20/01 3:02:41 PM)


public boolean isCanSetTracking()
True if the Telescope.Tracking property can be changed, turning telescope tracking on and off. Creation date: (7/20/01 3:02:41 PM)


public boolean isCanSlew()
True if this telescope is capable of programmed slewing (synchronous or asynchronous) Remarks: If this is true, then only the synchronous slewing methods are guaranteed to be supported. See the CanSlewAsync property for the asynchronous slewing capability flag. Creation date: (7/20/01 3:02:41 PM)


public boolean isCanSlewAsync()
True if this telescope is capable of programmed asynchronous slewing Remarks: This indicates the the asynchronous slewing methods are supported. If this is True, then CanSlew will also be true. Creation date: (7/20/01 3:02:41 PM)


public boolean isCanSync()
True if this telescope is capable of programmed synching Creation date: (7/20/01 3:02:41 PM)


public boolean isCanUnpark()
True if this telescope is capable of programmed unparking (setCanUnpark() method) Remarks: If this is true, then CanPark will also be true. Creation date: (7/20/01 3:02:41 PM)


public boolean isConnected()
True if telescope connected, False otherwise


public boolean isSlewing()
                  throws java.lang.Exception
True if telescope is currently moving to new target coordinates, False at all other times. Remarks: Reading the property will raise an error if the value is unavailable. Creation date: (7/20/01 3:02:41 PM)


public boolean isTracking()
The state of the telescope's sidereal tracking drive. Remarks: Telescopes may not support changing the value of this property and thus may not support turning tracking on and off. See the CanSetTracking property. Creation date: (7/20/01 3:02:41 PM)


public void setAlignmentMode(int newAlignmentMode)
The alignment mode of the mount. The (symbolic) values for AlignmentModes are: Constant Value Description teleAltAz 0 Altitude-Azimuth mount teleGermanPolar 2 German equatorial mount telePolar 1 Polar mount other than German equatorial Remarks: German equatorial mounts are distinct because they require a flip at the meridian. Creation date: (7/20/01 3:02:41 PM)
newAlignmentMode - int The alignment mode of the mount.


public void setAltitude(double newAltitude)
Sets the Altitude (degrees, positive up) of the telescope's current alt/az coordinates Creation date: (7/20/01 3:02:41 PM)
newAltitude - double The Altitude (degrees, positive up) of the telescope's current alt/az coordinates


public void setApertureDiameter(double newApertureDiameter)
Sets the telescope's effective aperture diameter (metres) Creation date: (7/20/01 3:02:41 PM)
newApertureDiameter - double The telescope's effective aperture diameter (metres)


public void setAzimuth(double newAzimuth)
Sets the azimuth (degrees, North-referenced, positive East/clockwise) of the telescope's Creation date: (7/20/01 3:02:41 PM)
newAzimuth - double The azimuth (degrees, North-referenced, positive East/clockwise) of the telescope's current alt/az coordinates.


public void setCanFindHome(boolean newCanFindHome)
True if this telescope is capable of programmed finding its home position Creation date: (7/20/01 3:02:41 PM)
newCanFindHome - boolean True if this telescope is capable of programmed finding its home position (FindHome() method)


public void setCanPark(boolean newCanPark)
True if this telescope is capable of programmed parking Creation date: (7/20/01 3:02:41 PM)
newCanPark - boolean True if this telescope is capable of programmed parking (Park() method)


public void setCanSetPark(boolean newCanSetPark)
True if this telescope is capable of programmed setting of its park position Creation date: (7/20/01 3:02:41 PM)
newCanSetPark - boolean True if this telescope is capable of programmed setting of its park position (SetPark() method)


public void setCanSetTracking(boolean newCanSetTracking)
True if the Telescope.Tracking property can be changed, turning telescope tracking on and off. Creation date: (7/20/01 3:02:41 PM)
newCanSetTracking - boolean True if the Telescope.Tracking property can be changed, turning telescope tracking on and off.


public void setCanSlew(boolean newCanSlew)
True if this telescope is capable of programmed slewing (synchronous or asynchronous) Remarks: If this is true, then only the synchronous slewing methods are guaranteed to be supported. See the CanSlewAsync property for the asynchronous slewing capability flag. Creation date: (7/20/01 3:02:41 PM)
newCanSlew - boolean True if this telescope is capable of programmed slewing (synchronous or asynchronous)


public void setCanSlewAsync(boolean newCanSlewAsync)
True if this telescope is capable of programmed asynchronous slewing Remarks: This indicates the the asynchronous slewing methods are supported. If this is True, then CanSlew will also be true. Creation date: (7/20/01 3:02:41 PM)
newCanSlewAsync - boolean True if this telescope is capable of programmed asynchronous slewing


public void setCanSync(boolean newCanSync)
True if this telescope is capable of programmed synching Creation date: (7/20/01 3:02:41 PM)
newCanSync - boolean True if this telescope is capable of programmed synching


public void setCanUnpark(boolean newCanUnpark)
True if this telescope is capable of programmed unparking (setCanUnpark() method) Remarks: If this is true, then CanPark will also be true. Creation date: (7/20/01 3:02:41 PM)
newCanUnpark - boolean True if this telescope is capable of programmed unparking (Unpark() method)


public void setConnected(boolean newConnected)
                  throws java.lang.Exception
True if telescope connected, False otherwise Remarks Set this property to True to connect to the telescope. Raises an error if there is a problem connecting * Creation date: (7/20/01 3:02:41 PM) Creation date: (7/20/01 3:02:41 PM)
newConnected - boolean True if telescope connected, False otherwise


public void setDeclination(double newDeclination)
Sets the declination (degrees) of the telescope's current local topocentric equatorial coordinates Remarks: Reading the property will raise an error if the value is unavailable. Creation date: (7/20/01 3:02:41 PM)
newDeclination - double The declination (degrees) of the telescope's current local topocentric equatorial coordinates


public void setDeclinationRate(double newDeclinationRate)
Sets the declination tracking rate (arcseconds per second, default = 0.0) Remarks: The range of values supported is telescope specific. Creation date: (7/20/01 3:02:41 PM)
newDeclinationRate - double The declination tracking rate (arcseconds per second, default = 0.0)


public void setDescription(java.lang.String newDescription)
Sets the long description of the telescope Remarks: This string may contain line endings and may be hundreds to thousands of characters long. It is intended to display detailed information on the telescope itself. See the DriverInfo property for descriptive info on the driver itself. Creation date: (7/20/01 3:02:41 PM)
newDescription - java.lang.String The long description of the telescope.


public void setDriverInfo(java.lang.String newDriverInfo)
Sets descriptive and version information about this ASCOM Telescope driver Remarks: This string may contain line endings and may be hundreds to thousands of characters long. It is intended to display detailed information on the ASCOM driver, including version and copyright data.. See the Description property for descriptive info on the telescope itself. Creation date: (7/20/01 3:02:41 PM)
newDriverInfo - java.lang.String Descriptive and version information about this ASCOM Telescope driver


public void setFocalLength(double newFocalLength)
Sets the telescope's focal length, metres Creation date: (7/20/01 3:02:41 PM)
newFocalLength - double The telescope's focal length, metres


public void setName(java.lang.String newName)
Sets the short name of the telescope, for display purposes Creation date: (7/20/01 3:02:41 PM)
newName - java.lang.String The short name of the telescope, for display purposes


public void setRightAscension(double newRightAscension)
Sets the right ascension (hours) of the telescope's current local topocentric equatorial coordinates Remarks: Reading the property will raise an error if the value is unavailable. Creation date: (7/20/01 3:02:41 PM)
newRightAscension - double The right ascension (hours) of the telescope's current local topocentric equatorial coordinates


public void setRightAscensionRate(double newRightAscensionRate)
Sets the right ascension tracking rate offset from sidereal (seconds per sidereal second, default = 0.0) Remarks: The range of values supported is telescope specific. Use the Tracking property to enable and disable sidereal tracking (if supported). Creation date: (7/20/01 3:02:41 PM)
newRightAscensionRate - double The right ascension tracking rate offset from sidereal ( (seconds per sidereal second, default = 0.0)


public void setSiderealTime(double newSiderealTime)
Sets the local apparent sidereal time from the telescope's internal clock Remarks:Reading the property will raise an error if the value is unavailable. Creation date: (7/20/01 3:02:41 PM)
newSiderealTime - double The local apparent sidereal time from the telescope's internal clock


public void setSiteElevation(double newSiteElevation)
                      throws java.lang.Exception
Sets the elevation above mean sea level (metres) of the site at which the telescope is located Remarks: Setting this property will raise an error if the given value is outside the range -300 through +10000 metres. Reading the property will raise an error if the value has never been set or is otherwise unavailable. Creation date: (7/20/01 3:02:41 PM)
newSiteElevation - double The elevation above mean sea level (metres) of the site at which the telescope is located


public void setSiteLatitude(double newSiteLatitude)
                     throws java.lang.Exception
Sets the geodetic(map) latitude (degrees, positive North) of the site at which the telescope is located Remarks: Setting this property will raise an error if the given value is outside the range -90 to +90 degrees. Reading the property will raise an error if the value has never been set or is otherwise unavailable Creation date: (7/20/01 3:02:41 PM)
newSiteLatitude - double The geodetic(map) latitude (degrees, positive North) of the site at which the telescope is located


public void setSiteLongitude(double newSiteLongitude)
                      throws java.lang.Exception
Sets the longitude (degrees, positive East) of the site at which the telescope is located Remarks: Setting this property will raise an error if the given value is outside the range -180 to +180 degrees. Reading the property will raise an error if the value has never been set or is otherwise unavailable. Creation date: (7/20/01 3:02:41 PM)
newSiteLongitude - double The longitude (degrees, positive East) of the site at which the telescope is located


public void setSlewing(boolean newSlewing)
True if telescope is currently moving to new target coordinates, False at all other times. Remarks: Reading the property will raise an error if the value is unavailable. Creation date: (7/20/01 3:02:41 PM)
newSlewing - boolean True if telescope is currently moving to new target coordinates, False at all other times.


public void setSlewSettleTime(int newSlewSettleTime)
                       throws java.lang.Exception
Sets the post-slew settling time (sec.). Remarks: Adds additional time to slew operations. Synchronous slewing methods will not return, and the Telescope.Slewing property will not become false, until the slew completes and the SlewSettleTime has elapsed. This feature (if supported) may be used with mounts that require extra settling time after a slew. Creation date: (7/20/01 3:02:41 PM)
newSlewSettleTime - int Specifies a post-slew settling time (sec.).


public void setTargetDeclination(double newTargetDeclination)
                          throws java.lang.Exception
Sets the local topocentric declination (degrees, positive North) for the target of a slew or sync operation Remarks: Setting this property will raise an error if the given value is outside the range -90 to +90 degrees. Reading the property will raise an error if the value has never been set or is otherwise unavailable. Creation date: (7/20/01 3:02:41 PM)
newTargetDeclination - double The local topocentric declination (degrees, positive North) for the target of a slew or sync operation


public void setTargetRightAscension(double newTargetRightAscension)
                             throws java.lang.Exception
Sets the local topocentric right ascension (hours) for the target of a slew or sync operation Remarks: Setting this property will raise an error if the given value is outside the range 0 to 24 hours. Reading the property will raise an error if the value has never been set or is otherwise unavailable. Creation date: (7/20/01 3:02:41 PM)
newTargetRightAscension - double The local topocentric right ascension (hours) for the target of a slew or sync operation


public void setTracking(boolean newTracking)
The state of the telescope's sidereal tracking drive. Remarks: Telescopes may not support changing the value of this property and thus may not support turning tracking on and off. See the CanSetTracking property. Creation date: (7/20/01 3:02:41 PM)
newTracking - boolean The state of the telescope's sidereal tracking drive.


public void setUTCDate(java.util.Date newUTCDate)
Sets the UTC date/time of the telescope's internal clock Remarks: Reading the property will raise an error if the value has never been set or is otherwise unavailable. Creation date: (7/20/01 3:02:41 PM)
newUTCDate - java.util.Date The UTC date/time of the telescope's internal clock